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Crema al caffè: ecco tre golose varianti - Filicori Zecchini Italia

Creamy iced coffee: here are three delicious variations

Sometimes, especially in the summer, finishing up a lunch with something cool is a little greedy treat that we can spoil ourselves with.

Not to mention the balmy afternoon when the heat makes you want something sweet.

As we have already told you in previous articles, this is how the recipe for Caffè del Nonno first came about in Naples, better known as the crema di caffè (or creamy iced coffee) .

And if, in that article, we gave you all the information you need to make the perfect creamy iced coffee at home, exactly like the one served at the bar, today we would like to give you some suggestions for how to prepare three delicious variations on this theme.

Tricks for making a good creamy iced coffee

If reading the recipes for cheesecake made your mouth water, discovering how to make creamy iced coffee will make you fall head over heels in love. But first, let’s take a look together at a few tricks for making it easily. Here are a few suggestions.

The coffee: choose a “strong” blend

The creamy iced coffee can be made at home using either the mocha or with coffee made in a home espresso machine, the important thing is that the quality is excellent: choose a blend like the Filicori Zecchini Forte blend.

To ensure that the coffee is sweetened to the right level, add the sugar when the coffee is still hot.

The cream: better if it is fresh liquid cream

Even if it is convenient, cream in a spray can is not ideal for this type of preparation because it tends to deflate easily.

It is better to use fresh, liquid cream which should be freshly whipped in the moment when you prepare the creamy iced coffee, it should be well whipped until stiff.

In order to achieve this result, we recommend that you put all your equipment and kitchen utensils including the whisks in the freezer for 10 minutes before starting the preparation and take the cream out of the fridge only when you’re ready to start the preparation.

Frozen Link

If you want to opt for a light recipe by eliminating the cream, we suggest pouring milk into the ice-cube trays and leaving until it is totally frozen solid; then transfer these milk cubes to the food blender where you will add the sweetened coffee.

This way you will get a foam that is a very similar consistency to that you get by using cream, even if it will tend to deflate more easily.

This is why it is better to serve the light creamy iced coffee as soon as it is made. .

Electric whisks and food blender

These are really useful tools to have handy for making your creamy iced coffee in just a few minutes without tiring yourself out.

But if you’re not at home and don’t have your usual utensils handy, you can still make this delicious drink using just a plastic bottle.

3 delicious variations on creamy iced coffee

Now that we have seen which tricks you can use and the tools you need to have handy, let’s take a look at a few recipes for making your creamy iced coffee.

Of course every recipe can be personalized and enriched to create a real dessert.

Creamy iced coffee in a bottle

If you don’t have food blenders or electric whisks available, you can still make your own version of creamy iced coffee

Ingredients for 2 people

  • 2 shots of Filicori Zecchini espresso
  • 0.71 oz of powdered sugar
  • 4.06 fl oz of liquid cream
  • 4-5 coffee beans
  • 1 spoonful of bitter cocoa powder


  1. First of all, prepare the coffee using the mocha and when it is ready, pour it into a bowl with the powdered sugar. Stir gently until the sugar is completely dissolved. When the sugar has dissolved completely, pour the coffee into a bottle. Add the liquid cream, close the lid and start shaking the bottle vigorously
  2. Keep shaking until you see that the cream has reached a certain consistency and is almost whipped. At this point, put the bottle in the fridge and leave for at least an hour.
  3. Just before serving, remove the bottle from the fridge and shake again, remove the lid and pour the drink into glasses. Dust the surface with bitter cocoa powder and decorate with a few coffee beans. Enjoy your creamy iced coffee.

Creamy iced coffee with amaretti

The combination of the coffee with the biscuits, crumbled or left whole, will give that extra special touch to your crema.
Ingredients for 4 people

  • 16.91 fl oz of fresh liquid cream
  • 4 shots of Filicori Zecchini espresso
  • 4 teaspoons of powdered sugar
  • 3.53 oz of dark chocolate
  • 15 amaretti biscuits


  1. Prepare the coffee using the mocha and pour it into a bowl, add the sugar and then put in the fridge. Take the cream still cold from the fridge, leaving 3.38 fl oz to one side, and once whipped up until stiff, pour in the coffee. Mix well and put back into the freezer.
  2. Crumble half of the amaretti biscuits and add them to the mixture, stirring gently; then put back in the freezer for at least an hour.
  3. Just before serving, melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie and place it in each of the serving glasses so that it coats the inner sides of the glass, waiting for it to solidify, then add the creamy iced coffee
  4. Whip the rest of the cream, put it into a piping bag and decorate the glass. Decorate using the remaining whole amaretti biscuits and serve.

Light Creamy iced coffee without sugar or cream

If you want to enjoy a delicious creamy iced coffee, but you’re denying yourself this pleasure because of the calories, then this calorie-light version is for you

Ingredients for 2 people

  • 2 shots of Filicori Zecchini espresso
  • 3 teaspoons of stevia
  • 3.38 fl oz of half-fat milk
  • 2 ice cubes (or alternatively, frozen milk)
  • dark chocolate for decoration


    1. Prepare the coffee using the mocha, sweeten with the stevia, put it in a bowl and whip using the whisks until light and fluffy. Place in the freezer and in the meantime take the milk and pour into the food blender with the ice. Blend until frothy. Alternatively, you could freeze some milk in ice-cube trays and use that directly without the need to add extra ice.
    2. Take the coffee out of the freezer and put it in the blender. Once you have reached the right consistency, transfer everything to a tall container with a lid and put back into the freezer for at least an hour, taking care to shake it at least twice.
    3. Before serving, pour into glasses and grate a little dark chocolate on top as decoration and taste.

Have you ever tried making creamy iced coffee at home?

If, instead of a creamy dessert, you prefer a semifreddo, we recommend trying our recipes right away.

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