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Che cos’è il caffè olandese?

What is Dutch Coffee?

The name "Dutch coffee" can indicate two things: chicory coffee or a coffee-based alcoholic cocktail, perfect for warming up cold autumn and winter evenings. They are two ideal drinks for those who want to explore the world of coffee out of the more common recipes.

Chicory coffee

Chicory coffee is just what the name suggests.

Only the dried and toasted roots of the plant are used.

The result is a dark and bitter substance that during the 19th and part of the 20th century was used to dilute coffee, a luxury good that had to be consumed sparingly. In the Napoleonic era, chicory was cultivated and distributed largely by the Dutch: hence the name "the Dutch" for the substitute and "Dutch coffee" for the blend.

Chicory has many benefits: it helps fight cholesterol, promotes glucose metabolism and stimulates concentration.


Dutch coffee is also a tasty alcoholic cocktail made with brandy, cream and, of course, coffee.

The recipe is very simple: first of all you have to prepare a good coffee, espresso or with Italian moka pot.

In a glass, pour one or two teaspoons of sugar and mix with a few drops of coffee.

Pour a few cl of brandy (you can also try egg liqueur or a drop of gin) and add the rest of the coffee, still hot and steaming.

Gently place a spoonful of whipped cream on top.

Enjoy your Dutch coffee!


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