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How to become a bartender: courses to take and tips for entering this profession

Come diventare barista: i corsi da frequentare e i consigli per intraprendere questa professione - Filicori Zecchini Italia

Working in a bar requires many skills and experience: one does not improvise as a barista, as we have mentioned several times in other articles dedicated to the world behind the counter.

To extract a proficient espresso, a cappuccino, or any other preparation, you need to practice, know the equipment and have some theoretical basis.

Today, together, we will see how to become a bartender and what are the paths to learn the basics of this job, also identifying the differences between the various professional figures that we can find in a bar.

Bartender, bartender and bartender: what are the differences?

Although many people get confused, the professional skills of bartender, barman and bartender are not the same.

The former, in fact, is responsible for preparing and serving coffee products and all the typical preparations of an establishment open during daytime hours.

Today, we often tend to use as its analogue the term bartender, which, however, indicates one who prepares cocktails and drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), served from aperitif time onwards.

Finally, the bartender indicates a figure who is in charge of the establishment, who "keeps" the bar.

He can be either a cocktail specialist or a café specialist, and if he can perform acrobatics with glasses, shakers, and other objects, he is called flair bartender.

Each of these figures can work in different venues: from the classic coffee bar to places intended for entertainment, such as cinemas, that have a dedicated corner.

How to become a bartender: which career path to choose?

The bartending profession requires great passion and also good communication skills.

As we know, in fact, those behind the counter not only prepare and serve coffee, but must also be able to establish a good relationship with their customers, with a conversation that entertains the patron without, however, being intrusive.

Sipping a cup of cappuccino, tea, or other beverage represents a way of taking a break and having relationships, not only with the people whose company we keep but also with those who work in the establishments we frequent.

In addition to remarkable social skills, this job needs solid theoretical and practical foundations, which is why there are numerous courses to become a bartender or barman.

Many people make this choice after graduating from a hotel school, which offers specialized paths for lounge and bar operators.

However, having attended hotel school is not a prerequisite for entering the profession.

There are specialized courses organized at the regional and provincial level, usually lasting six to 12 months, for various age groups and aimed at both people already employed and the young and unemployed.

One can also turn to industry associations and federations, such as Fipe(Federazione Italiana Pubblici Esercizi).

Then there are the training courses of various levels, such as those promoted by the Laboratorio dell'Espresso di Filicori Zecchini, aimed at professionals in the sector and ranging from creative cafeterias to Latte art, from alternative extraction methods to the course to become expert tasters.

Those who wish to be bartenders, on the other hand, will have two points of reference in theItalian Association of Barmen and Supporters (Aibes) and the Italian Federation of Barmen (Fib).

Finally, for those interested in acrobatic techniques, a name to know is the Flair Academy in Milan, a school accredited by the Lombardy Region that issues certificates valid at the European level.

Experience in Italy and abroad as a bartender

The passion and skills acquired through a training course are complemented through work experience in a bar: when embarking on a path to become a bartender, in fact, it is essential to combine study with practice in the field.

Many courses also offer the opportunity to do a period of internship, either in Italy or abroad, but these are limited periods of time, which alone are not enough to complete the professional preparation.

How to become a bartender: the necessary requirements

As we have already mentioned, to become a bartender it is not necessary to have a diploma from a hotel institute, as one can still obtain a qualification by attending a specialized and recognized course.

To work at the bar counter, it is also necessary to pass the qualifying examination for the activity of serving food and beverages (according to the provisions of the Law of August 25, 1991, No. 287): to be eligible, you need a high school diploma or a college degree, or at least two years' experience in a bar or restaurant.

Did you know the requirements and pathways for becoming a bartender?

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