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Perché nasce il blog Laboratorio dell’Espresso (di Luca Filicori)

Why the Laboratorio dell’Espresso blog was created (by Luca Filicori)

The first sense with which I got to know coffee was my sense of smell, the most primordial of all our senses; that hot, pleasant and persistent smell that impregnated my father’s clothes, which saturated the air when I came into the company, stealing a day off school.

Then I started to observe it and touch it, when noone was looking, I filled my hands with just-roasted coffee beans and I let them run and slip through my hands …, they made an almost hypnotic sound, a kind of round and reassuring tinkling.

Only at the very end did I get to know the flavor, a pleasant breakthrough, which marked my entrance into a grown up world.

For anyone born into a family like mine, it’s difficult to stay away from the world of coffee for very long … I tried: I studied and travelled, I was even a lawyer for a few years, but then I came back. That call had its effect on all five of my senses and it was too strong to be able to resist.

Coffee has marked 100 years of my family history and the history of the Zecchini family, we started in 1919, with a small business in the heart of Bologna and then immediately afterwards we went in search of the best green coffee, we started importing it directly from the coffee producing countries so as to roast it and blend it in our own unique way.

Over the course of this last century we have worked alongside bartenders and restaurant owners, first of all in Italy, and then going on to conquer 43 countries throughout the world, helping them to transform their establishments into real success stories, also thanks to the unmistakable flavor of our blends.

Always keeping our feet firmly planted in the old tradition of the coffee shop and small coffee roasting premises that we started from and looking forwards always ready to accept the challenges that technological innovation and new markets have brought us.

For some time, also in Italy, the world of coffee has been in total turmoil and requires new ideas, but above all information and news. The rumors, not always authoritative and trustworthy, have multiplied.

For many years we have escaped this situation, concentrating exclusively on the quality of our products, convinced that this is the best business card we can have and the best way to talk about coffee, but we have decided not to put this off any longer: the time has come to participate.

We have raised our profile on social media sites (Facebook and Instagram), set up a new website to talk in-depth about our products, and our story, the traditional knowledge, in order to try and be useful for those already working in the industry those who have recently decided to try this initiative and this blog, through which we would like to contribute to the debate with our own voice, our century of experience and our coffee culture.

This is why, in our company every person will be busy, each in their own area, with this new challenge and we will try to answer all the questions and the needs of the experts and the professionals, but also of the admirers of this drink. We would like it to be for dialogue and exchange, and this is why we would ask you to participate, to ask us questions, send us your doubts and curiosities, to contribute to the debate, let us know what you appreciate and above all in which ar-eas we need to improve.

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