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Easter eggs: 4 recipes for recycling the chocolate

Uova di Pasqua: 4 ricette per riciclare il cioccolato - Filicori Zecchini Italia

It is well-known that chocolate Easter eggs are always good to eat and yet, in every household, it sometimes happens that you get so many that you don’t know how to use up all that excess chocolate.

Here are some ideas for recycling the chocolate from your Easter eggs and creating tasty chocolate treats to enjoy at breakfast time or for a tasty after dinner snack. 

Dark chocolate Brownies 

Ingredients for 6 people 

  • 2.64 oz of butter + a little extra for greasing the baking tray 
  • 5.29 oz of dark chocolate Filicori Zecchini Easter egg
  • 6 oz of sugar
  • 2.12 oz of flour 
  • 2 eggs
  • 2.47 oz of walnuts 
  • Powdered sugar for decorating
  • salt


  1. In a thick-based pan, melt the butter, then add the chocolate broken up into pieces and mix well. Blend in the sugar with the help of a whisk, stirring delicately. 
  2. To one side, beat the eggs and add them to the other ingredients. Add the flour a little at a time, stirring with the whisk to avoid forming any lumps. Add a pinch of salt and, when the mixture has reached  smooth consistency, add in the finely chopped walnuts. Pour the mixture into a pre-greased baking tin 20×20. 
  3. Cook in pre-heated oven at 356° F for 20 minutes, or until  the surface appears glossy and compact. Leave to cool and then cut onto squares. Dust with powdered sugar and serve.  

Ciambellone with chocolate drops 

Another way to recycle the chocolate from your leftover Easter eggs, is to use it to make one of the simplest and most tasty deserts that ever existed: the ciambellone! 

Ingredients for 8 people:

  • 7.05 oz of chocolate Easter egg 
  • 12.35 oz of cake flour 
  • 3 eggs
  • 6.35 oz of sugar 
  • 1 sachet of yeast for cakes
  • 6.76 fl oz of seed oil 
  • 2.71 fl oz of milk 
  • Flour for preparing the cake tin 
  • Butter for preparing the cake tin 


  1. In a food mixer, break in the eggs, add the sugar and whisk together until the mix becomes light and fluffy.  Add the oil and keep mixing. Gradually add the flour, if you notice the mixture becoming  too dense, add a little milk. 
  2. Dissolve the yeast in a glass with the milk, mix well and pour into the food mixer. Roughly crumble the Easter egg chocolate and add it into the mix, stirring delicately. 
  3. Butter and flour a cake tin for ciambellone, pour in the mixture and level it off.  Place it into an oven pre-heated to 356° F and cook for around 40 minutes, but before you remove it from the oven, do the toothpick test: stick the toothpick vertically into the cake, if when you pull it out, there is a little raw mixture sticking to it, you should leave the cake to cook for another 5 minutes. If, on the other hand, it should come out clean, you can turn off the oven and leave the ciambellone inside, with the oven door open, for another 5 minutes.
  4. Finally, remove your cake from the oven and leave to cool to room temperature. Remove from the baking tin only once it has cooled completely, so that it doesn’t crumble while cutting. 

Bon bon with chocolate and almonds 

The chocolate from  the  Easter eggs, combined with biscuits and the fresh taste of ricotta, can bring forth some amazing, mouthwatering … and finger-licking bon bons!

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 5.29 oz of ricotta
  • 3.53 oz of chocolate Easter egg 
  • 1.76 oz of butter
  • 3.53 oz of powdered sugar 
  • 4.59 oz  of dry biscuits 
  • 3.53 oz of flaked almonds 


  1. First of all, crumble the biscuits finely. In a large bowl, put the ricotta with the softened butter and the and the powdered sugar. Work the mixture until it becomes a smooth paste. In a bain-marie, melt the chocolate from  the Easter eggs and add them to the mix.  Finally, add the crumbled biscuits.   
  2. You should now have a dense dough. Take a small quantity of the dough – about one spoonful – and roll into small balls using your hands.  
  3. Once you have created all your balls, you should roll them in a bowl containing the flaked almonds so that they stick to the small spheres. Arrange the balls on a plate and put in the fridge for around an hour so that they become firm, Serve at room temperature. 

Chocolate cake 

Here’s another idea for recycling your leftover Easter eggs, transforming them into a delicious chocolate cake.  

Ingredients for 6-8 people

  • 12.35 oz chocolate eggs 
  • 4.23 oz of sugar
  • 5.64 oz of butter
  • 1.76 of cake flour 
  • 5 eggs
  • powdered sugar for  dusting


  1. First of all, separate the egg yolks from the whites and beat the yolks together with the sugar until they become frothy. Sieve the flour and add it into the mixture one spoonful at a time, mixing with a whisk to avoid the formation of lumps. Melt the chocolate from the Easter eggs in a bain-marie together with the butter and add them to the mix.  
  2. Put the container that you will use for mixing the egg whites in the freezer for 10 minutes; then take it out and beat the egg whites until stiff . This part is very important because the cake does not contain any raising agent and the egg whites will help to puff it up. Gently fold them into the mixture, a little at a time, mixing in a top-down direction, so as not to deflate them.    
  3. Butter and flour a baking tin and pour in the cake mixture. Pre-heat the oven to 356  °F and cook for about 25/30 minutes or until the surface appears glossy. Remove from the oven and leave to cool before removing from the cake tin. Finally, decorate with powdered sugar. 

What do you think of these ideas for recycling chocolate Easter eggs?

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