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How to stuff panettone: 5 original recipes for your Christmas

Come farcire il panettone: 5 ricette originali per il vostro Natale - Filicori Zecchini Italia

At this time of year, there is no house in Italy where there is not a panettone.

Any excuse is good to open one: on Christmas Day, in the evening while watching a movie, in the afternoon during a tombolata or, simply, because you have invited friends over for dinner to exchange greetings.

If you want to make a good impression, however, you can do more: today we want to give you 5ideas for stuffing panettone creating real desserts.

5 ideas for stuffing panettone

Stuffingpanettone may seem trivial, but there are actually various ways to do it.

You can cut it into discs, hollow it out and fill it or serve it on a plate accompanied by cream.

And not only that, with what is left over you can very quickly make very scenic desserts.

Stuffed pistachio panettone

In this case, the idea is to slice the panettone into disks and fill it with a pistachio spread.

The chocolate glaze will cover up imperfections from the cuts and make your dessert even more beautiful!

Ingredients for 10-12 people

■ 1 Filicori Zecchini panettone cake

■ 1 jar of pistachio cream Filicori Zecchini

■ 150 g white chocolate

■ enough dried fruit to decorate

■ 2 nuts of butter


1. First cut the panettone into disks about an inch and a half each.

Place the base on a plate and cover it with a generous layer of pistachio cream. Arrange the second disk and repeat the operation.

Finish with the last layer and with your hands try to return the panettone to its original shape.

2. Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bain-marie.

Add a couple of butter nuts to make it shinier.

Pour it over the top of the panettone and let it drip.

3. Finally add the dried fruit on top and let the chocolate set.

No need to refrigerate, but be careful not to keep the cake near heat sources.

Ice cream-filled panettone

In this preparation, the panettone is left whole, hollowed out inside so that it can accommodate the ice cream.

The chocolate frosting coating then completes the presentation.

Ingredients for 8-10 people

■ 1 Filicori Zecchini panettone

■ 250 g of cream ice cream or other flavor of your choice

■ 250 g of chocolate ice cream or other flavor of your choice

■ 50 ml of rum

■ 120 g dark orange chocolate Filicori Zecchini

■ orange zest


1. First cut off the top shell of the panettone and set it aside.

Then, with a bread knife, cut the inside of the panettone vertically, creating a cylinder that you must pull out and cut into discs.

2. Place the first disc in the cavity you have made from it, to line the base.

Brush the inside with rum.

Place a generous layer of ice cream, then cover with another disc of panettone.

Repeat with the other flavor of ice cream until the entire cavity is filled.

Finally, brush the inside of the shell as well and arrange it, making it stick well to the cake.

3. Melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie and drizzle it over the panettone.

Arrange the orange peels on top, then seal everything in a plastic food bag and place in the freezer for at least an hour.

Take out at least half an hour before serving.

Plate panettone with chocolate cream

In this case the filling, a cream with dark chocolate chips, is served on the plate, along with a slice of panettone

Ingredients for 8-10 people

■ 1 Filicori Zecchini panettone cake

■ half a liter of milk

■ 1 vanilla stick

■ 150 g sugar

■ 4 egg yolks

■ 40 g potato starch

■ 100 g dark chocolate


1. First prepare the cream.

In a saucepan with a nonstick bottom, heat the milk with the vanilla pod.

In the meantime, whip the egg yolks with the sugar, and when they become frothy, add the sifted starch.

Mix well then pour in the warm milk by the trickle.

2. Cook over low heat, turning off before it reaches a boil.

When the cream is completely cold, add the dark chocolate cut into chips and mix: be careful not to put it in while the cream is still warm because it would melt, altering the color of the cream.

3. Serve each diner a slice of panettone, with a couple of spoonfuls of chocolate chip cream next to it.

Tronchetto panettone cake

Do you need to prepare a dessert for a raffle and don't have much time?

Here's the idea for you: a Christmas log with panettone that will leave your guests speechless

Ingredients for 10-12 people

■ half Filicori Zecchini panettone cake

■ 250 g of ricotta cheese

■ 100 g dark chocolate chips

■ 3 tablespoons of sugar

■ 150 g dark chocolate chips

■ 2-3 nuts of butter

■ enough powdered sugar

■ 80 g of red fruits to decorate


1. Cut half of the panettone into slices and arrange them on plastic wrap to create a roughly even rectangle.

Place a sheet of baking paper on top then, with a rolling pin, roll out the slices. Even out the edges, trying to make a regular shape.

2. Prepare the cream: drain the ricotta cheese, put it in a bowl, add the sugar, chocolate chips and mix well.

Spread the ricotta cream on the rectangle of panettone.

When you have coated the entire surface, helping yourself with the baking paper, roll it up, creating a cylinder.

Seal with plastic wrap and leave at least an hour in the refrigerator.

3. After the time has elapsed, open and cut a piece of the cylinder at an angle, arrange the small piece next to the large one, creating the typical log shape.

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, add the butter and, while still hot, pour it over the log.

Place it in the refrigerator 10 minutes at most, then take it out and with the tines of a fork begin to line it, simulating the veins of the log.

Dust with powdered sugar and decorate with red fruits.

Panettone truffles.

Have half a panettone cake left and need to improvise a treat?

These truffles can be prepared quickly.

Ingredients for 6-8 people

■ 2 slices of panettone

■ 100 g dark chocolate

■ 3-4 tablespoons of almond cream spread

■ 3-4 tablespoons of hazelnut cream spread

■ 3-4 tablespoons of pistachio cream spread

■ 50 g of milk

■ q.b. of hazelnut crumbs

■ q.b. of pistachio grits

■ q.b. of almond crumbs


1. Crumble the panettone slices into a bowl. Pour in the milk and mix everything together.

Take a small amount of the mixture and work it with the palm of your hand, first creating a spherical shape, then crush it.

2. Take a teaspoon of almond spread and put it inside, then close the truffle by making a spherical shape.

Repeat the operation on all the truffles, alternating the spreads.

Finally, place the balls, divided by flavor, in the freezer for 30 minutes.

3. Melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie.

Dip the truffle and, once completely coated, lift it with a fork and place it on a tray.

Prepare three bowls with the three grains of almond, pistachio and hazelnut and coat the outside according to the flavor you put inside.

Let firm up in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes, then serve.

If you feel like indulging yourself by customizing the cakes, all you have to do is browse our our online shop and find the right ingredient to fill your panettone.

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