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Caffè bio: perché sceglierlo? - Filicori Zecchini Italia

Organic coffee: why you should choose it

Choosing to buy and consume an organic product is an important gesture, which enhances an environmentally friendly supply chain, but at the same time guarantees a high quality standard for the consumer.

Our Arcadia blend, for example, is produced by respecting nature and has a soft taste in which the qualities of Arabica from Brazil and Mexico and fine Indian Robusta are combined.

But what are the characteristics of organic coffee?

What more does it offer?

Let's find out together.

Organic coffee, some good reasons to buy it

Certified organic coffee comes from circuits often made up of medium-small companies, which cultivate it in compliance with regulations similar to those of the EU.

The importing companies scrupulously check on the product and other unexpected checks are made by the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies to ascertain that once the coffee arrives in Italy is actually chemical residues free.

Organic coffee is pesticides free

Organic coffee is free from pesticides, substances that are not allowed in this type of agriculture.

This has positive repercussions both on the environment, on coffee taste and on the health of those consuming it.

There are also significant advantages for farmers, because they are not exposed to chemicals.

It is a production that does not risk groundwater contamination, as is often the case in traditional agriculture: when coffee plants are washed, i.e. sprayed with pesticides, the chemical substances can filter into the ground and contaminate the water supply.

More taste and quality

Since the coffee is grown without the use of chemicals, there isn't any risk that traces will remain on the beans.

In low quality coffees, if residues of chemical agents remain on the bean, they can be absorbed during the roasting process: the drink could therefore take on an annoying bitter aftertaste.

A product that has not been chemically treated is safer and healthier. Even its organoleptic qualities can vary from a traditional one.

The label on organic coffee

How can we be sure that the coffee we are buying is truly organic?

Just read the label.

In fact, the indication "organic" or "from organic farming" appears in the sales denomination of the product, when at least 95% of the ingredients of agricultural origin are organic.

The packaging must also carry the Community logo and the indication of the area where the agricultural raw materials, which make up the product, were grown:

● "EU agriculture" when the agricultural raw material was grown in the EU;

● «Non-EU agriculture» when the agricultural raw material was grown in
third countries;

● «EU/non-EU agriculture» when part of the agricultural raw material was
grown in the Community and part of it was grown in a third country.

The principles of organic farming

In organic farming, as we have seen, no pesticides, chemical agents or even genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be used.

This is because the idea behind it (formalized by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture, I.F.O.A.M.) is to safeguard as much as possible the environment and its resources, the soil fertility, while avoiding polluting it and producing a sufficient amount of food; simultaneously transforming the companies involved into a self-sufficient agricultural system, through the use of local resources.

In short, buying organic coffee helps fueling a virtuous circle which, moreover, offers guarantees and high quality to the consumer.

Have you ever bought organic coffee?

Did you know the positive aspects of this product?
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